Monday, November 13, 2006


We have re-done the links to books in a module specification in StudentsOnline. Now clicking on an ISBN (if one has been entered) in the list of sources goes to a page in which some of the details of this book are presented. These include some data gleaned from Amazon, links to the library and to Amazon (and whatever other book retailers we would like to include) and the list of modules which include this text.

Julian Humphries has been working through booklists to add the ISBNs. Coverage however is still partial. Here is one module where ISBNS have been added:

and here is a typical book page:

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Groups and implicit members

We have added the ability to include 'virtual' or implicit members in a group i.e. those who are not explicitly members but are implicitly members because of what they do. The best examples are Fields, where all module leaders of modules in the field are implicit members.

All groups in FOLD also link to the photo gallery and to an email list of the members of the group. As always it is a challenge to keep this data up-to-date so if you notice any mistakes on a page, use the mail link in the page footer to tell the FOLD team.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Displaying the Faculty Structure

We added a couple of pages to FOLD last week as part of our effort to represent the structure of the Faculty. FOLD holds a description of the purpose, membership and interrelationships of all groups in the Faculty. The relationships are complex and not easy to understand by looking at one group at a time.

There are two views of the Faculty
  • the staff structure (subgroup relationship between staff groups)
  • the committee structure t(reporting relationships between committes)
Both graphs are clickable, leading to a photo gallery of group members, from where you can navigate to the group information.

Technical Note.
These graphs are dynamically generated from the descriptions of groups held in FOLD. The graph layout uses the AT& T program 'dot', part of the Graphviz suite. The graphs are generated as GIFs with client-side maps generated to provide the linking.