Monday, September 04, 2006

Once more into the breach, dear friends

Thanks to the efforts of Peter, Julian and most of all Andrew Hart, Studentsonline has worked well over summer, option choice forms are, well perhaps 'flooding' is too strong, into the timetablers and there have been no howls of protest at the site.

We still have much to do, both in structure and content but Julian and Peter are pretty much up to speed on the system and software now. Peter Chapman is based in 2P50 as part of Claire's team, Julian Humphries in N-Block as part of Sandra's team, each taking prime responibility for content in their respective areas. Both will also be working on the development of the system.

Julian is currently working his way through the module specifications, tidying up the formatting (lists, tables) and helping Jon Algate enter Reading Strategies. In the process he is also adding ISBNs to books. This is to facilitate links to the UWE library and to Amazon for reviews and perhaps purchase. I'm wondering if we should participate in Amazon's affiliate scheme with the proceeds going to a selected charity- what do you think?

Peter is working on setting up the Events calendar for the new year. Let him know of any forthcoming events.

As we move towards induction, the public site (StudentsOnline)is getting most attention to ensure it can provide students with the relevant information. Alison Eastwood has been working on the glossary and FAQs for this site, so contact her if you have any input to this material. It is actually edited on a separate collaborative wiki, so you could also become a contributing editor - let me know.

We now have a number of staff (about 80 ) who have short biographies on the site now. I would like to encourage you all to write up something about yourself and your research interests. These might be coordinated through Heads of school or sent directly to

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