Monday, October 09, 2006

Director of Information Architecture

A couple of weeks ago I was appointed to a new post - Director of Information Architecture. The remit for this post is broadly to coodinate information systems development within the Faculty. 'Information system' covers web-based systems such as FOLD, StudentsOnline and the CEMS external web site but it also includes other standalone systems which have and are being developed and systems which interface with central ITS. While the main emphasis is on computer-based information systems, the brief is to coordinate the use of Information in whatever forms it takes physically.

For this post, I have a nominal 50% timetable, which also covers project managing the current XML database project, FOLD and the Plone CMS. I report to and am part of the Faculty Senior Management Team and I chair a group called the 'Information Systems Architecture group' ISAG, which takes over from the WEBIS project steering group. The membership of this group has yet to be agreed. Initial thoughts were to make in a committe of representatives of the interest groups, but sincel these are well represented in the Senior Management Team, there seems little point in replicating that structure. I am also now a member of GOFL/GOAD since a main function of the information systems is to support the modular scheme.

My personal preference is to gather a group of faculty staff who are involved in the production and use of information in the faculty and who are passionate about improving our information systems and can contribute effort to making this happen. Outputs from the committee would include reports on the state of the various IS projects, recommendations for setting priorities for projects, information policies and the communication of good practice. Planning clearly needs to be undertaken in the light of changes afoot and the need for better liason with the Centre and the other faculties in the super-faculty.

Right now, I see that there is work to be done in a number of areas:

  • Review of on-going projects and their facilities for integration
  • Policy for transparency of information - access to timetables, staff photos in StudentsOnline
  • Single-signon for all UWE students on all UWE systems including CEMS
  • Development of a single Programme document covering the needs of students, academics and marketing
I'd like your views on the consituency of the group and offers of time and effort to work with the group to improve information provision.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is good news - but can we also have a single sign on for staff too Chris!